Can an Airsoft Gun Kill You

Can an Airsoft Gun Kill You

For those just getting into Airsoft or those stumbling upon Airsoft online, volition often curiosity at how realistic Airsoft guns appear when compared to their real-steel counterparts.  There have been many observations made both by those online and in the media that compare real firearms to Airsoft replicas.  There accept likewise been many times when law enforcement (even some weapons experts), were asked to pick out a real firearm from an Airsoft replica and they were unable to determine (without handling either) what was the real firearm.

With Airsoft replicas closely resembling existent firearms, information technology brings to mind the possibilities of other similarities between the two. While it may exist the furthest thing from nearly people minds, it may make some folks wonder, tin Airsoft guns impale?

No, Airsoft guns cannot impale.  Airsoft guns fire plastic BBs at a lower velocity than what would be needed to be lethal.  Chances of a death occurring from an Airsoft hit would be extremely rare and would be a freak occurrence.

I myself am not looking to use an Airsoft replica for killing.  Most others aren't either.  While Airsoft guns are not designed to "impale", they can indeed cause injury to people when not used properly or as intended.

My enquiry and some reasoning have brought me to conclude that y'all would be able to kill insects and may be some very, very small animals, only larger animals or humans are­ highly unlikely.

However, injury is possible as in whatsoever sport. In a game of Airsoft, a replica gun can hands shoot out an center, rupture ear drums, and bit teeth, just to proper name a few injuries one can sustain.

Why Airsoft Guns Cannot Impale

Airsoft guns are not fatal by their very design.  The BBs are manufactured out of materials that do not have the mass required to cause harm sufficient plenty to kill.  While they may kill some smaller animals, even the probability of a clean impale is not guaranteed.  An brute could exist injured or in the worst instance, suffer greatly before eventually passing.  For insects or small lizards, sure, information technology will achieve killing them.  Airsoft replicas but lack the power needed to become the chore washed on bigger animals. If y'all are still in question, just brand a comparison betwixt Airsoft guns and other types of air guns or even real firearms.

At that place is a wealth of data bachelor online regarding the topic of cage energy.  Finding the muzzle energy along with other units of measure out, volition allow for calculation which will further illustrate how it is not possible that an Airsoft replica can kill larger animals or humans.

Muzzle free energy is the measure of the kinetic free energy of a bullet when expelled from a firearm.  This energy is measured in foot pounds (ft•lb).  Using cage energy calculations for an Airsoft replica can give a rough thought of how likely (or unlikely) that a projectile would damage sufficient plenty to kill.

Let's first with the Airsoft replica…

I've calculated that a plastic Airsoft BB (.xxx gram) that is fired at 400 anxiety per 2d, tin achieve muzzle free energy of about i.63 human foot-pounds strength (2.22 joules).

In comparing…

A 230 grain (15 gram) .45 ACP bullet fired at 835 anxiety per 2d, tin achieve cage energy of nearly 355.2 human foot-pounds force (483.26 joules).

As you can see the muzzle energy of a .45 ACP is about 217 times more than than that of the Airsoft BB.  Too accept into consideration that the Airsoft BB is manufactured in plastic and does non accept the aforementioned mass as a .45 ACP bullet.  So to put this into perspective, the Airsoft BB does non have the stopping ability or ability to cause a wound sufficient plenty to kill due to a lack of mass and velocity.

Can Airsoft Guns Kill Minor Animals or Pests?

Airsoft guns can kill smaller animals or pests when hitting with a higher FPS replica and closer range. It would also crave greater accuracy. Whether or not an Airsoft replica can kill a small animal volition depend on the size of the animal, the weight of the BB, and the power behind the projectile.  Equally shown above, the muzzle energy is typically not sufficient enough to exercise enough harm to be lethal for a larger animal or a man. Equally information technology would not be humane, we would not recommend y'all shoot or endeavor to hunt whatever animals with an Airsoft gun.

Here is where the "it depends" function comes in…  An Airsoft replica sporting a high FPS, employ of a heavier BB, and a carefully placed shot, may be constructive on modest pests such as birds, lizards, frogs, etc.

Now if you were to inquire if an Airsoft replica can exist used to scare away animals, then I would say, information technology could do the job.  Consider that it may exist easier to get rid of the pest in diverse other means that would non involve using your Airsoft gun.

For example, if birds are a nuisance to you, so try an owl or hawk decoy (run across an example decoy on Amazon)Opens in a new tab..  These would be more effective at keeping birds away and would non harm them.

Indirect Means Airsoft Tin Kill

We have already determined that Airsoft replicas are not designed to impale and for the almost part could maybe only kill small-scale birds, lizards, etc.  However, Airsoft replicas can get you killed.

Expiry by Police force Enforcement

Airsoft replicas are manufactured to resemble real guns and can be almost indistinguishable from them.  Constabulary enforcement officers accept only a fraction of a 2d to determine if the treat is bang-up enough to warrant deadly force.  If you display your replica and a threat is perceived, then the Airsoft replica may wind upwards getting y'all killed.

Cocky- Defence

Attempting to use an Airsoft replica for self-defense is foolish. When you bring an Airsoft replica to a situation where the assailant is carrying a real gun it is similar bringing a knife to a gun fight.  While there have been some stories where homeowners have warded off burglars during a abode invasion with cypher more than a full-auto Airsoft replica, are the rare cases that went well for the homeowner.  Chances are if you pull a fake gun, the person on the other side of the real gun will shoot and kill you.   I wrote  nearly Airsoft for self-defense here if you lot would like to read more.

What Happens When You Are Shot?

So, if Airsoft guns cannot impale, then what happens if you are shot past one?  Well if you are shot past one, typically you become hit!  All joking aside, when you are shot past an Airsoft gun you may or may not even feel it.  How much y'all feel is going to depend on how powerful the Airsoft gun is, the altitude from you when the shot was taken, as well as what outer vestments you are wearing.

So if you are decked out in diverse gear, clothing, and continuing fifty feet abroad when you lot are shot past an Airsoft replica sporting 200 fps, and then chances are what you feel may be goose egg more than a light tap. However, bring information technology in closer and so drib the gear and it may very well sting, possible go out a welt.

Does getting shot past an Airsoft replica Hurt?

Hurting is subjective.  What may actually hurt for some, may not for others.  However, there are always those keys areas where being striking by an Airsoft BB is going to hurt, sometimes injure like hell.  Ears, optics, facial areas, cervix, knuckles and knee caps are generally areas that if hit by a BB propelled by a decent FPS, it will sting. I wrote more about this previously, here.Opens in a new tab.

Other Ways Airsoft Can Hurt Y'all


While no one likes falling, this is definitely something that tin happen when you are out on the Airsoft battlefield as you will exist running, jumping, and mayhap even climbing obstacles.  Even a autumn from 3 to five anxiety tin can cause injuries sufficient plenty to warrant a trip to the hospital.

Sprains & Strains

These are another type of injury that tin can happen anytime you are in motility. Additionally, they can take you out of the game simply equally quickly as beingness hit past the opposition…only for a lot longer.   Talocrural joint sprains and muscle strain while common can be prevented.  A fiddling warm up before the battle, wearing practiced footwear and being aware of your surroundings volition help keep y'all from experiencing these types of injury.

Eyes & Ears

Without a doubt injuries sustained to your eyes and ears can have lasting if not devastating effects.  Existence hit in the center can result in permanent loss of eyesight.  Having a BB make information technology through your ear canal to your ear drum, would not only hurt like hell, but could damage your hearing permanently.  Of the two, taking one in the center is probably one of the most common occurring of the two.

In Conclusion

Airsoft replicas are not designed to be fatal.  They fire plastic Bbs at very low velocity and the BBs do not have the mass needed to cause wounds that would kill.  This ways that by some extremely rare, freak blow, or by some crazy infection, would this be possible.  While Airsoft itself cannot impale, yous could be killed as a result of brandishing a very realistic replica of the real –steel.  You may too sustain other injuries while engaged in Airsoft, just that is to be expected in only about any sport.

Encounter you out on the battlefield!

Can an Airsoft Gun Kill You

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