Steps Download Article

  1. 1

    Gather equipment to build with. If you want a height-notch field and you have coin to spare you tin can buy the forest and sandbags and such that yous need. BUT, the better affair to practice would probably be to find scrap wood and barrels, and anything you lot observe on the side of the road. You might want to bring friends to help build information technology.

  2. 2

    Find a adept identify to play near your dwelling or neighborhood. A large lawn, abandoned shack or you could buy a wide lot near your house, this is ideal for a large-scale assault. If you own property (or have permission to use information technology) with woods this would be good also, as almost comprehend will already be there and you won't have to do as much work. Recall It could exist illegal in your surface area on public land.


  3. iii

    Dig trenches and fox holes for comprehend.

  4. 4

    Stack up and put out whatever stacked up tires, old barrels, tables, palettes, sandbags or other solid objects for cover.

  5. 5

    Mark any objectives clearly with smoke, a painted keepsake, a sticker, or anything Exist Creative! if applicable.

  6. half-dozen

    Make bunkers out of old sheds or build new ones out of woods

  7. vii

    Put copse or small bushes to hide behind.

  8. 8

    Be aware there are no animals occupying the place. You do non desire to impale someone's pet.

  9. 9

    Make different landmarks that everyone tin can identify. So, put a lot of plywood in one area, and you tin can phone call information technology 'the fort'. Take a lot of open up expanse, and then call it 'the field'. Make the field distinguishable, so you can communicate effectively.

  10. x

    Make sure if its in your backyard, no ane shoots ane of your windows.


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  • Question

    How do I get people to join my team?

    Community Answer

    You lot can ask some friends if they are interested, or post online that you are looking for team members.

  • Question

    How much does it cost to make an Airsoft team?

    Community Answer

    It doesn't cost anything as long equally everybody already has Airsoft gear. If nobody has anything information technology could toll around $500.00 for your team to get started.

  • Question

    How long will this have?

    Community Answer

    The fourth dimension volition vary depending on the person and their feel, but if you accept assistance from your friends, and so I would say you can wait the project to take 1-3 days.

  • Question

    What blazon of land should I utilize when making an Airsoft field?

    Community Answer

    Most land works, it actually depends on how you want your field to be. For case, if yous desire a "rex of the hill" map, y'all may want to accept land that is uneven and hilly.

  • Question

    Exercise I take to be a certain age to make my own Airsoft field? How quondam do I need to exist to play Airsoft safely?

    Community Answer

    I would say yous have to be around 16 for competitive Airsoft, the guns injure like HECK sometimes. But if you're playing only for fun, ages 12+ is good.

  • Question

    So they have to bring their own Airsoft gun?

    Community Answer

    Unless y'all accept a large arsenal of Airsoft guns you can hand out to participants, yes, they should bring their own guns.

  • Question

    Can this exist a Nerf field?

    Community Answer

    Yeah, you lot tin utilize any airsoft field for Nerf likewise. Since Nerf cannot damage anything, you don't have to worry as much nigh rubber.

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  • Also, earlier you build information technology, you should plan it. Start making a map of the field you lot're gonna make.

  • Remember, think virtually what type of games yous programme on playing on that field while building it to avoid unnecessary barracks or structures.

  • Call up, it's your field. Be Creative! Make it unique and specific to what you'll employ it for!

  • Make certain rules for the field such as where re spawn points are or set a limit of players on the field at a time.

  • NEVER play in a public expanse.

  • The smaller the group, the smaller the location.

  • Brand sure y'all advertise well.

Cheers for submitting a tip for review!


  • Never play in an area that is often visited past the public

  • At to the lowest degree one person needs to keep a cellphone on them in case there's an accident

  • E'er ask the possessor of the belongings before using it.

  • Exist sure to not use thorn bushes on the arena.

  • For guns similar snipers, stay about 95 anxiety abroad, as many snipers shoot 500+ FPS.

  • For guns such as assail rifles, stay at least xv feet back to avoid injury to the person under fire.

  • You should alert the local law if you plan to play airsoft at whatsoever time. If you run into a cop do everything he/she says.

  • If someone is to close and yous do not have an extra weapon inside the range limit, point your gun at them and yell "bang blindside" to "impale" them and avoid injury, sending them dorsum to a spawn point.

  • For guns such every bit pistols, stay five to eight anxiety away to avoid injury.


Things Yous'll Need

  • State to build on
  • Shovels
  • Wood
  • Building supplies (Hammers, nails, etc.)

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